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225 E. Helen Road, Palatine, IL | 847.202.0930 |
Contact Us
Thank you for your virtual visit to DeerGrove Covenant Church. We would love to see you soon!
Send a Message to DeerGrove Covenant Church
Ask a question, send a prayer request or share your story. Don't lose contact....keep us updated with changes to your address, phone number, etc.
If you are sending a prayer request, please indicate whether your prayer request is for staff eyes only, or if it may be shared with the congregation.
At DeerGrove we believe in the power of prayer, and our Pastoral staff prays for the DeerGrove Community each week. We look forward to hearing from you!
Send Mail To:
DeerGrove Covenant Church
225 E. Helen Road
Palatine, IL 60067
225 E. Helen Road
Palatine, IL 60067
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