225 E. Helen Road, Palatine, IL | 847.202.0930 | info@deergrove.org

Our Ministries
“Start the children off on the way they should go and then even when they are old they will not turn from it.”
Proverbs 22:6
Children's Ministry
Christian Formation | 10:30 am (during Community Worship)
After spending the first part of Community Worship with their families, children are invited into their classrooms for Christian Formation. Classes are split up into Preschool/Kindergarten and 1st-5th graders with the curriculum in each class designed to provide students with a knowledge of Bible stories and lessons with an understanding that the Word is God’s gift to us. We believe that all of us are uniquely and beautifully made by God and this is foundational to our Christian Formation curriculum; children are empowered to love themselves and love each other as they grow as disciples.

Youth Ministries
Confirmation: Sunday mornings from 9:30-10:15 a.m.
This 2 year program typically serves students from grades 7 through 8, but is open to any student grades 7 through 12! In this class we dive deep into learning the basics of the Christian faith and learn how we can apply the Biblical teachings to everyday life. Contact Pastor Taylor for more information.

Adult Ministries
DeerGrove Life Groups
Are you searching for authentic and meaningful community?
Below is a brief description of DeerGrove’s Life Groups
Please contact the leader(s) for more information about a specific group, or contact Assistant Pastor Rick Fisk (rkfisk335@gmail.com) for questions about Life Groups in general.
Adult Bible Study: Sunday Mornings 9:15 - 10:00 a.m.
Meet at the church, or join on zoom, as the group dives into Scripture together and enjoys lively conversation. The group typically studies a book of the Bible or selects a topic for study.
Contact Pastor Rick: rkfisk335@gmail.com
Women’s Bible Study: Thursday Mornings 11:00 a.m. - Noon.
September through May, meet at church to study Scripture with the She Reads Truth (SRT) reading plans, share in story with one another, and enjoy a time of prayer. Women of all ages are welcome!
Contact Jinny Koide: jkoide@hotmail.com
Men’s Group: Saturday Mornings 7:30 - 8:30 a.m.
Meet at church for a time of fellowship, devotion from Rick Warren's Daily Hope devotional, and a time of prayer. Men of all ages are welcome!
Contact John Jaderholm: johnjaderholm181@gmail.com
J-Walkers 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month, 5:00 - 7:00 p.m.
People still working, looking toward retirement, and retired, make up the J-Walkers. This loosely structured support team meets for a little Bible study, a little eating, a little praying, and a lot of laughing.
Contact Judy Amundsen:
Women's Group: Two Tuesdays a Month at 7:30 p.m.
(days vary based on schedules)
This group of "young-ish" women, in various stages of life, meets at the church. Some moms, some not, some work outside the home, some within the home. All are hungry for community and have created this space to grow together in friendship and in their spiritual journeys.
Contact Kara Sexton: kara.clearman@gmail.com
The Gathering: One Sunday a month after service (days vary)
All are welcome. Single or married. Kids too are welcome! Most of us are in our 30’s or 40’s. We meet once a month for fellowship and lunch after the service.
Contact Kait Berger: kaitberger@gmail.com

225 E. Helen Road
Palatine, IL 60067