225 E. Helen Road, Palatine, IL | 847.202.0930 | info@deergrove.org
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We Look Forward To Worshiping With You!
DeerGrove Covenant Church
225 E Helen Rd
Palatine IL 60067
847 202 0930
Sunday Services 10:30 AM
Worship Service
At DeerGrove, we view worship as a conscious effort to constantly have God at the center of our lives. Our contemporary style worship service includes preaching of God’s Word, reading scripture, singing, and sharing our story in community. Worship songs, to express our thanks and offer our praise, are both contemporary and traditional. Expect to hear music worship led by guitar, drums, piano and bass guitar along with several vocalists. The reading of scripture is always part of our service and allows us to meditate on God’s word. Preaching provides application of the Word to our lives today. Post service coffee and hospitality time allows us to get to know one another on a deeper level and to encourage one another.
Intergenerational Worship and Commuity
As a church and a denomination we value intergenerational ministry and the practice of engaging all ages in all kinds of worship. Intergenerational worship is a biblically-based practice of gathering the whole church body together to worship God. Not every person needs to understand everything that is occurring, but all the generations are engaged either simultaneously or at different times throughout worship.
Worshiping together not only gives children models of worshipful behavior in adults, but also infuses worship with the gifts the children bring, such as: spontaneity, thanksgiving, enthusiasm, simplicity, and hope. According to 1 Corinthians 12:14-22, we are one body, made up of many parts. All are needed and all are indispensable. As one body we intentionally encourage the presence, engagement, and voice of all generations within the ministries of the church and recognize that shared ministry leads to shared story and shared identity as the body of Christ.
"But Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it."
Luke 18:16-17 (NIV)
Deer Grove Covenant Church is located at the edge of an industrial area which may lead a visitor to think the church will be cold and uninviting. What you will find is exactly the opposite. As you step inside the church, you will find a warm and inviting space designed for visitors and regular attenders to feel relaxed and comfortable! While you may see someone “dressed up” for Sunday service, most attenders wear casual clothing on Sunday mornings such as slacks, jeans, tops, sweaters, and even shorts during the summer months.
225 E. Helen Road
Palatine, IL 60067